Find the best Commercial, Private or Shared flight

What makes us different from Others?

Get a door to door total travel time estimate with commercial, private and shared flights.

Ride to airport from departure address

Baggage drop-off, TSA and boarding time at airport

Commercial, Private or Shared Flight

Exit, custom and baggage claim at airport

Ride from airport to your final destination

Hotels option if needed

Our search features

Point to Point travel:

Find the best travel itinerary from your departure address to your arrival address providing the total travel time and cost estimate.

Up to 5 nearby Airports:

Search & compare flights itineraries between up to 5 nearby airports / airfields around your departure and arrival addresses.

Commercial, Private and Shared flights:

Compare point to point travel itineraries between traditional commercial flights, on demand Private flights and shared flights.

Airport time estimate:

Including boarding, baggage check in, TSA, Baggage claim, exit times estimate at departure and arrival airports for all passenger travel classes.

Driving time estimate:

Including driving time estimate between your departure or arrival address and the nearby selected airport / airfield.

Fastest itinerary ranked first:

The fastest point to point itinerary will rank first based on your departure or arrival time requirement.

How It Works

Log in or Sign up:

We perform an important number of internal calculations for each search and therefore require any user to sign up or log in.


Search, Compare and Select the best traveling itinerary from the data that we sum up for you.


Book your full itinerary directly through our traveling partners.



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Booking your shared flight with fly-P2P

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